Accessibility Statement

Status: Januar 2023

The Haus für Film und Medien (HFM) is committed to making this website accessible to all people. The following accessibility statement applies to our website and its sub-pages.

Accessibility measures

For the development and maintenance of the HFM website, we follow the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) as well as the German regulation on accessible information technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0).

Along with the technical standards, we pay attention to the following aspects:

  • use of common HTML tags and a clear page structure
  • coherent and structured design
  • alternative text for images
  • web links open in a new tab by default

An English information page is available in Plain Language. This page also offers a video about the HFM in Plain Language and in International Sign Language.

Information in Plain Language and Sign Language

The German text was translated to Leichte Sprache and certified by the Büro für Leichte Sprache Heidelberg of Lebenshilfe Heidelberg e.V.. In the English version of our website, this page is available in plain language.

To optimise the website's usability, it was evaluated in a user test (December 2022) by agency Erdmännchen&Bär GmbH with testers from the Büro für Leichte Sprache Heidelberg. In preparation, our website had been analysed technically and in terms of content by Erdmännchen&Bär in August 2022. Following this, we decided on the measures to improve accessibility and carried them out.


If you encounter any accessibility barriers on our website or have any suggestions, please contact us by email:

Known limitations

Despite our ongoing efforts to provide an accessible website, limitations to accessibility may still exist. Currently, we are aware of the following issues:

  • Some contrasts on our website do not fully comply with WCAG level AA. Most of these concern decorative elements.
  • In the Plain Language video, the headline is sometimes difficult to read due to the different fonts. The subtitles and the narrator's voice provide a more accessible presentation.
  • Currently, not all of the videos are subtitled.

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