Crime Tango - Crime and Suspense in Amateur Film

© Haus des Dokumentarfilms / Landesfilmsammlung Baden-Württemberg

The Haus des Dokumentarfilms beim HFM-Sommerfestival!

The Haus des Dokumentarfilms shows selected amateur productions from the federal state film collection: exciting and whimsical short films from 1950 to today.

Amateur films don't just document grandma's birthday or a vacation in Italy. Even the film pioneers Lumiere and Méliès were basically amateurs. And even after film became professionalized and larger and larger narratives were seen on screens, enthusiasts continued on a small scale. With creativity, stubbornness and above all passion, films were made that told exciting stories and entertained with their bizarreness.

The Baden-Württemberg State Film Collection (Landesfilmsammlung Baden-Württemberg), located in the Haus des Dokumentarfilms, has numerous of these amateur productions in its archive. At the HFM summer festival, a selection of these films will be presented under the motto "Crime and Suspense". Among them is, for example, "Der Mörder kommt um 11" from 1955: A man reads a crime novel and is convinced afterwards that his life is in danger. "Parken (k)ein Problem" is a humorous guide on how to escape a parking ticket. But "Choir Rehearsal" from the 1980s is also a classic whodunit in which a cameraman helps solve a murder.

Look forward to an exciting, whimsical and above all entertaining short film night of a special kind.

Please note that photographs and film recordings might be taken during the event for public relations purposes.

Kindly supported by the City of Stuttgart.

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